Wednesday Club Christmas Lunch

The Wednesday Club are heading to the Gourmet Food Parlour in Dunshaughlin for their Christmas Lunch. This will be on Wednesday 4th December at 12.30 p.m. The cost will be €35 per head for a three course meal plus tea or coffee. The Christmas lunch menu can be viewed on the website – If you would like to attend please let any member of the Committee know with your payment by Friday 15th November.

Wednesday Club Outing

Wednesday Club outing to the Dublin Painting and Sketching Club exhibition – Dublin Now and Then. This will be held in the Cowshed Gallery in Farmleigh. They are planning on going on Thursday 16th May. They are meeting in the Boat House in Farmleigh at 12 noon for lunch and then a wander around the Gallery. Admission to the Exhibition is Free.
If you are able to come along please let one of the committee know so that tables can be held.

Wednesday Club Outing

On Friday 9th February, when the snowdrops should be at there best, a trip to Altamont Gardens is being organised. The tour is arranged for 12 noon and people are encouraged to wrap up warm. The cost is €3 per person.

Wednesday Club Outing

Visit to Dail Eireann on the 31st May. Meeting at 3.15 pm at the entrance on Kildare Street beside the National Museum of Archaeology.Please let Valerie F. know by the 20th if you wish to go along.

Wednesday Club Outing

Trip to Carton House

Instead of the trip to The Curragh, which had to be cancelled due to low numbers, we will be going to Carton House for lunch and a stroll around grounds on Wednesday 26th April after the midweek Holy Communion service.  We are aiming to be in Carton for 12.15 p.m.

If you would like to come along to Carton House, please let Valerie F. know as soon as possible in order to make a reservation for lunch.

Wednesday Club Outing

Trip to St. Michan’s Church – cost is €7 or €5 for OAPs. The tour starts at 2 p.m. It is free to look around the church, the fee is to visit the Crypt.
Christophe’s restaurant, just beside Jameson Distillery, Bow Street has been booked for lunch at 12.15pm on 22nd March for 20 people. The food selection is a carvery lunch, salads and soup and sandwiches. It seems very pleasant and comfortable. Please let Valerie F or Valerie J know if you wish to go.

Wednesday Club AGM

The AGM will take place in the Maharry Room in Castleknock Parish Centre following the Wednesday morning service. There will be refreshments (sandwiches, etc.) provided. Please let Valerie F. know if you will be attending.

Wednesday Club

The Committee have arranged a lunch for Wednesday 29th September 2021 in Finnstown House Hotel at 12.30pm. It will be an A La Carte Menu so you can eat as much or as little as you like – everyone will pay for their own lunch.The purpose of this event is for us all to get together, socialize, laugh and have a good chat.
IT’S BEEN A LONG TIME! Don’t forget your Covid Certificate
Please let Valerie Fildes or Valerie Jameson know by the 10th September if you wish to attend so that they can finalise details with the Hotel. If you know of anyone who would like to join the Wednesday Club please send on their email address so that they can be kept in the loop.