Evening Prayer

St. Mary's Church, Clonsilla

There will be a service of Evening Prayer to mark Wednesday in Holy Week in St. Mary's Church, Clonsilla, on Wednesday 5 April 2023. We would love you to join us as we worship together.

Service of the Word

St. Mary's Church, Clonsilla

There will be an Service of the Word to mark Good Friday in St. Mary's Church, Clonsilla, on Friday 7 April 2023. We would love you to join us as we worship together.

Holy Communion

St. Mary's Church, Clonsilla

A Service of Holy Communion will be celebrated to mark Easter Day – The First Sunday of Easter in St. Mary's Church, Clonsilla, on Sunday 9 April 2023. We would love you to join us as we worship together.

Holy Communion

St. Mary's Church, Clonsilla

A Service of Holy Communion will be celebrated to mark The Second Sunday of Easter in St. Mary's Church, Clonsilla, on Sunday 16 April 2023. We would love you to join us as we worship together.

Cornerstone Service

St. Mary's Church, Clonsilla

There will be a Cornerstone Service to mark The Third Sunday of Easter in St. Mary's Church, Clonsilla, on Sunday 23 April 2023. We would love you to join us as we worship together.

United Service

St. Mary's Church, Clonsilla

There will be a United Service to mark The Fourth Sunday of Easter in St. Mary's Church, Clonsilla, on Sunday 30 April 2023. We would love you to join us as we worship together.

Holy Communion

St. Mary's Church, Clonsilla

A Service of Holy Communion will be celebrated to mark The Fifth Sunday of Easter in St. Mary's Church, Clonsilla, on Sunday 7 May 2023. We would love you to join us as we worship together.

Morning Prayer

St. Mary's Church, Clonsilla

There will be a service of Morning Prayer to mark The Sixth Sunday of Easter / Rogation Sunday in St. Mary's Church, Clonsilla, on Sunday 14 May 2023. We would love you to join us as we worship together.

Service of the Word

St. Mary's Church, Clonsilla

There will be an Service of the Word to mark The Seventh Sunday of Easter / Sunday after the Ascension Day in St. Mary's Church, Clonsilla, on Sunday 21 May 2023. We would love you to join us as we worship together.

Clonsilla Churchyard Cleanup

St. Mary's Church, Clonsilla

Volunteers required to help with a spring clean of the church grounds and graveyard. All help greatly appreciated in keeping your church grounds looking good for the summer. Bring a pair of heavy-duty gardening gloves and we’ll find you a job for all abilities!