“On the first day of each week each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with their income”. 1 Corinthians 16.2
Dear Parishioners,
We are members of one of the fastest growing and now one of the largest C of I parishes in the Irish Republic. Over 60 new families joined the parish in the last year “many through our programme of door to door visiting every summer. In addition, we place huge importance on ‘collaborative ministry’, everyone working together for the good of the Church and God’s Kingdom. Almost 100 people are in positions of leadership in different parts of the parish community. Our priorities include caring for the elderly, the sick, the poor and the bereaved, nurturing people in the Christian faith, providing a wealth of Christian activities for children and young people, welcoming the newcomers, and building the community. We have completed the parish centre at Clonsilla.
The Church is there for all people at all times of their lives – good and bad. As people so often comment, it is a miracle that so much is done, and so many lives touched and enriched on such a small budget.
But we face a special challenge: with such a fast changing community, our income can too often be irregular and spasmodic.
Consider these stark facts:
- 48% of households don’t give in any planned way at all
- 5% give less than €1 per week
- 19% give €1-5 per week
- 20% give €5-10
- 8% give over €10 per week
If we want the Church to be there for us, we need to support its work. We would urge as many of you as possible to take out a standing order: it’s a simple, straightforward method which takes the hassle out of giving – no more rushing around looking for cash on a Sunday morning! If you’re going to Church simply place an empty envelope on the plate and we will know the reason. It allows us to plan ahead knowing that we have a regular income. Simply print out and fill in the form attached below.
Standing Order Form – Castleknock & Mulhuddart
Standing Order Form – Clonsilla
Yours sincerely,
The Parish Treasurers