Schools in the Community

Castleknock National School

Castleknock National School has a long tradition of service to the local community. The first school here was endowed in 1720 and became a National School in 1880. A two-teacher school was built in 1961, and in the early 1970’s an extension comprising another classroom, a general-purpose room and staff room was built.  Today the school has 219 pupils on roll and twelve staff members.

The school is under the management of the Church of Ireland and the patron is the Archbishop of Dublin. The school caters, in the main, for Anglican and Protestant children in northwest Dublin. In 2010 the school was extended with four new class rooms and two new resource rooms.

Castleknock Community College

Castleknock Community College is part of the Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board and was established in 1995.

The College is a co-educational post-primary school catering to an ever increasing population growth within the greater Castleknock area. A comprehensive academic curriculum is promoted in addition to a wide-ranging programme of extra-curricular activities.

St. Brigid’s National School

St. Brigid’s National School is located on Beechpark Lawn in Castleknock. It is a primary national school catering for both boys and girls and has a Roman Catholic ethos.

Castleknock College

St Vincent’s Castleknock College is a fee-paying school managed by a Board of Management. The college prepares students for the Department of Education and Skills (DES) Junior Certificate, Transition Year Programme and Leaving Certificate state examinations. 

The College was founded in 1835 by the Vincentian Order and is a Christian school in the Catholic tradition.

Castleknock Educate Together National School

Castleknock Education Together National School is located on Beechpark Avenue.

Mount Sackville Secondary School

Mount Sackville is an all girls fee charging school. The school, founded in 1864 is a living memory to the founding sisters of St Joseph of Cluny. As the school has grown and evolved their spirit of care and compassion continues and is at the heart of our school’s ethos. Today under the trusteeship of Le Cheile, Mount Sackville continues to create a community and ethos that translates into a very special and unique teaching and learning environment based on Gospel Values.