While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information on this web site, the information contained herein is of a condensed and general nature only and can change from time to time. It should not, by itself, be relied upon in determining legal rights or other decisions. Readers/ users are advised at all times to verify, by direct contact with the Parishes of Castleknock and Mulhuddart with Clonsilla, any information on which they wish to rely.
The Parishes of Castleknock and Mulhuddart with Clonsilla hereby formally disclaims legal or other liability for any inaccuracy, mistake, mis-statement or any error of whatsoever nature contained in this website. The views and opinions expressed throughout this website and the various attached links are for information purposes only and are not necessarily the views or opinions of the organisation, its staff, management committee or the webmaster.
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All rights, including copyright, in the context of these web pages is controlled or owned by the Parishes of Castleknock and Mulhuddart with Clonsilla.
All Rights reserved Copyright © Parishes of Castleknock and Mulhuddart with Clonsilla 2020.
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Where information is used on another website or in any form the following acknowledgement is required:
Information provided by the
Parishes of Castleknock and Mulhuddart with Clonsilla © 2020
url http://castleknock.dublin.anglican.org
For information on copyright release contact:
The Webmaster,
Parishes of Castleknock and Mulhuddart with Clonsilla
email webmaster@castleknock.dublin.anglican.org
External links disclaimer
Throughout our site you will find links to external websites. Although we make every effort to ensure these links are accurate, up to date and relevant, the Parishes of Castleknock and Mulhuddart with Clonsilla cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers.
If you come across any external links that don’t work, we would be grateful if you could report them to the webmaster.