There are a number of groups active within our Parish that provide a framework within which both spiritual and social aspirations of the congregation can be developed.
Boys’ Brigade

The Parish is host to the 10th Dublin Company of the Boys’ Brigade, which continues to flourish after many years. The Brigade is for boys aged 5 to 18. It meets once a week and also holds a variety of other events. Its aim is The advancement of Christ’s kingdom among boys and the promotion of habits of obedience, reverence, discipline, self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.
Brownies and Girl Guides

Our Brownie Unit reopened in December 2004. Brownie Guides are aged between 6 and 11 and are junior members of the Irish Girl Guides. We have fun while learning to help others. We play games, carry out activities, sing songs, perform drama and learn about people from other countries. The Brownie Guide motto is ‘Lend a hand’. We meet once a week during term time.
Communications Group

This group organises key publications in the Parish, including this Information Pack, as well as the CMC Times (published 10 times a year) and the Parish Website. The Group also looks after the Parish’s Social Media presence. If you have skills or interests relevant to the Group, they would love to hear from you.
Confirmation Club

Our Confirmation club meets each year, usually between Autumn and Spring, to prepare our candidates for Confirmation. Most of those eligible to join Confirmation Club (6th class or older) will be contacted automatically. If we haven’t been in touch with you and you are interested in being confirmed next year, please make contact.
Girls’ Brigade

The 42nd Company Castleknock is very active, providing a weekly meeting for girls aged 3 and over as well as a wide variety of other events and outings. The Brigade’s motto is ‘Seek, Serve and Follow Christ’, and it has the aim ‘To help girls become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ through self-control, reverence and a sense of responsibility to find the true enrichment of life.’
Indoor Bowling Club

The club meets twice weekly in the Parish Centre. The Club season runs from September to May during which time friendly matches and Association Cup matches are played with other clubs. Tournaments are also held within the club on a regular basis. The club is affiliated to the Dublin and District United Churches Indoor Bowling Association.
Mothers’ Union

The purpose of the Mothers’ Union is to be specially concerned with all that strengthens and preserves marriage and Christian family life. Membership of the Mothers’ Union is open to all who have been baptised in the name of the Holy Trinity and who declare their support for the society. During the year the committee organises various speakers and demonstrations. We also take on various projects over the year to help others, both at home and abroad, less fortunate than ourselves.
Sunday Clubs

Castleknock and Clonsilla Sunday Clubs have about 110 children registered with them. Sunday Club begins at the same time as the Church Service. The children meet in church at 10.00 a.m. in Clonsilla and at 11.30 a.m. in Castleknock. The children then leave the church for Sunday Club during the service. On the fourth Sunday, there is a family Service of the Word.
Table Tennis Club

The Club has been in existence since 1945. It is affiliated to the Irish Table-Tennis Association. The Club meets weekly. Whether you have played the game before or not doesn’t matter. So why not come along and give it a try? If nothing else, it’s a great way to get exercise!